Locating the Clicker ID for Registration in LON-CAPA

The ID is printed on a sticker on the back of the device.
Interwrite IR
The clicker ID (6 digits) is located on a sticker on the back of the device.
Interwrite RF
When you first switch on the device, it will be looking for a class. Cancel that by pressing the "*" key.
Now enter the menu by pressing the left arrow.
In the menu, scroll down.
When it says "Diagnostics," hit the Enter key.
The device's Radio ID is displayed.
Interwrite Virtual

The clicker ID is the Media Access Control address ("MAC address") of your network card. MAC addresses look like this


or like this


How to locate this depends on your operating system.

Windows Vista

  • Click the Start Button and select Start Search.
  • Type cmd in the blank box. Hit Enter.
  • In the command prompt window, type ipconfig /all
  • Locate the number that goes with the adapter you would use in the lecture hall.

Windows NT / 2000 or XP

  • After clicking on the Start Button, click on Run.
  • Type command in the blank box. Click on OK.
  • Once a small black window appears, type in winipcfg
  • Locate the number to the right of "Physical Address."

Windows 95/98/ME

  • After clicking on the Start Button, click on Run.
  • Type in winipcfg in the blank box. Click on "OK".
  • Look under the info for the Ethernet adapter you would use in the lecture hall.
  • Locate the number next to "Adapter Address."
Macintosh (OS X) 
  • Under the Apple menu, select "System Preferences".
  • Select the "Network" Pane.
  • Doubleclick on the adapter you are using, for example 'Airport' or 'Built-in Ethernet' (use the adapter you would use in the lecture hall).
  • Click on the "Airport" or "Ethernet" tab, respectively - the number is displayed.

Type /sbin/ifconfig -a and look up the relevant info. For example:

[root@foo bar]# /sbin/ifconfig -a
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 01:23:45:67:89:AB
The number is the HWaddr.